Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What's Happening This Month: March Edition

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Harry Potter, Camp NaNo, JoJo Siwa, and Baby Shark?
What do these things have in common you may ask? Well, they're what my life is filled with this month (and the next three months-ish). Party planning is in full effect in my house and I am so excited!

So, before we dive in, how is everyone's March going? Mine is going great so far but I honestly can't believe we're already three months into 2019! The weather is finally starting to get warmer and it seems like Spring is beginning to make an appearance. We've had chipmunks playing on our patio every morning, birds are singing, and I am beyond ecstatic to leave Winter behind for good!

March is busy month and April is going to be even more so. This month I'm getting prepped for Camp NaNoWrimo, which takes place next month. I'm going to continue working on my current work in progress, but I'm not going to track word count. I'm going to be tracking hours. I'm not so much worried about how many words I'm writing as I am about how much time I put into my novel. As much as I love weaving stories together, I'm terrible with self discipline and forcing myself to actually sit down and do it. So, my goal for Camp NaNo is to reach 30 hours. I hope to work on my novel at least one hour everyday. More would be better, but I'm pushing myself for an hour for now. If you'd like to be my writing buddy, my username is Darcus and my private cabin is Sagewood Cabin! I'd love to have you as a cabin-mate!
Camp NaNoWriMo 2019: Your online writers' retreat
Even though Camp NaNo is taking place in April, I will not be able to dedicate all of my time to writing as my littlest little is turning two on the 12th.  She is currently obsessed with Baby Shark and it's practically on repeat at my house. So we're throwing her a Baby Shark party!

My bigger girl is turning 6 in June so I'm also planning her party. She can't get enough of JoJo and her bow bows so that's the theme we're going with for her party.

 My birthday isn't until October but I'm throwing a huge Harry Potter party! I'm turning 30 and I've always wanted to do a huge HP bash. Figured this is the perfect time! We've got a ton of stuff to design and make, though. We're going to have games, a sorting ceremony, wand choosing, and so much more. I'll keep you guys updated on that each month. :)

There are going to be legit acceptance letters, house points will be awarded for games, crazy decor, and awesome Harry Potter inspired food and drinks, and so much more!  The past couple of days I've been working on wands and boxes. I actually plan to make a huge amount and whatever doesn't get used for the party, I'm going to sell on my Etsy shop, Wood & Wonder! So I'll for sure make sure you guys stay updated on that! I haven't painted them yet, but I've got the bases for them ready.

Alright, so I guess that's it for me this month guys. If you read this far then you are awesome and I love you. For now, I think I need a nap. Or a cup of coffee. Or two.

Peace out,

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